Present of electrocomponents production 

In 1999 a new company FERILEX Ltd. was established for business reason within the context of the previous activity of the company UNILEX.

Nowadays the company produces and supplies the same products as the company Unilex ? it means: toroidal and rod chokes, small potted transformers for PCB´s, self contained antennae, shrouded socket plugs,, transformers, output chokes and other inductions for welding inverters, cable confection and many other products.

The company has not only a big space but also a skilled personal capacity available.

 As for the quality, it is high-level especially because the main point of the production rests on supplies for the demanding foreign markets. In December 2004 we met the demands of the certification audit and we got the certificate for Quality system according ČSN EN ISO 9001:2000. All the activity of the company happens according this quality system. The certificated internal auditor inspects it. The certification and the annual audits are done by Classification society TÜV.


 Sídlo firmy Ferilex Třebíč


Design Yashica s.r.o.